Both solutions together contribute to an ultimate subscriber experience

TCP Acceleration

Get the most out of your existing infrastructure

With TCP Optimization by Flash Networks, the subscribers enjoy an improved QoE since the actual average throughput is typically increased by 10% and more. TCP Optimization results in a robust and dynamic connection that reaches the top speed very quickly, significantly reducing the time it takes to download a specific object. This is different TCP solution.

TCP Acceleration TCP optimization TCP TCP optimizer TCP acceerator
Explore TCP Acceleration
Data Management unique solution

Reduce the need of new cell instalation

This is a unique solution that performs optimization that doesn`t reduce the video quality. It improves average user throughput and reduces PRB utilization. We are reducing the need for new cell installation for a fraction of the price. Providing a service that differentiates your company from the competition would be a great way it reduce the need for new cell installations.

-radio spectral efficiency
Explore Data Management
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